April 10, 2022: D.C. to South Florida by rail

Other than going to visit my immediate family in North Carolina, I can't say I've traveled much since the start of the pandemic. But I've been wanting to ride the rails somewhere new, and the Miami area seemed like a good destination, given that I've never been there and they have a fairly extensive public transportation system. 

My trip began April 10, with a ride on Amtrak train #91, the Silver Star. Initially I had reserved train #97, the Silver Meteor, but Amtrak has temporarily suspended the service as part of its COVID-related cutbacks. I believe the Meteor is set to return in May.

I got to Union Station more than an hour before the scheduled 3 p.m. departure. As it happens, the train was 45 minutes late from New York, so I had plenty of time.

The Silver Star runs daily from New York to Miami. It travels south down the main East Coast rail corridor, heading through Richmond, Petersburg, Rocky Mount. This portion of the route was old hat to me, having done it so many times when I visit my family.

At Selma the train turns west, and heads to Raleigh. Admittedly it felt strange not getting off there and continuing on. After Raleigh, the train made its stop in Cary, then continued on its way south through Southern Pines, Hamlet, Camden and Columbia.

Some time after Cary I "turned in" for the night. I use the quotes because sleeping in coach on a train never really seems to work out. The last time I took an overnight train trip I was 15, and it was hard then. I can't say things were much easier at age 30. But I knew what I was getting myself into here. 


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